

Updated September 2024

Welcome to the website of Naenae for Christ Community Church. We are a growing church of around 110, with a growth spurt at the moment of babies being born. We are a diverse community but what unites us is our Lord Jesus Christ.

We do not know what brings you to our website, but here is a little about us, not our beliefs, you can see those elsewhere on this site, but what motivates us. It would be true to say that God’s Word, the Bible, motivates us, we have just started [August 2024] a series in the gospel of John, and there is a church wide excitement and anticipation. It motivates us and it determines how we function. It determines what is important and what is not. But in saying that, we are not Bible centred. The Bible functions as a means to know, worship, obey, and love our Lord Jesus Christ, as Jesus said in John 5:39,

      “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me.”

So, we appreciate God’s Word as that which He has given to reveal Himself. But there is another reason the Word of God is important, and it is because of the day and age we live in. Paul said to Timothy in 2 Tim.4:2 to preach the Word; in season and out of season. This is a command given, in the midst of an increased worldliness, in the last days, see 3:1-4:4. Paul then gives a reason why this is so important,

      “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths, 4:3-4”

At Naenae for Christ Community Church we believe the Word of God is sufficient to draw our hearts to a greater knowledge of, and love for, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And so, we preach it, in season and out of season. Why not check out a sermon or two? Feel free to contact the number provided if you have any questions, or just come and join our growing family for one of our services on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. You will be most welcome and welcomed.