
Active filter: Series: Misc (x) , Date: 2016 (x)
Preacher: Mark Gordon (2), Pete Drower (2), Phil Read (1), Darryl Ward (1), Cody Chaplin (1), Russell Hohneck (1), Grant Watson (1).
Book: Psalm (2), Matthew (2), Acts (1), Colossians (1), Hebrews (1).
Date: January (3), February (1), May (1), June (1), September (2), October (1)

Have Great Faith Matthew 15:21-28
Preached by Phil Read on October 2, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
John and Jesus, the hopeful and the hope Matthew 11:1-19
Preached by Darryl Ward on September 25, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
Meet the Help-The Holy Spirit
Preached by Mark Gordon on September 4, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
Encouragement from the Outside Colossians 1:21-2:3
Preached by Cody Chaplin on June 5, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
Faith that sees clearly Hebrews 11:20-22
Preached by Pete Drower on May 22, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
The Vital Church Ingredient "AWE" Acts 2:42-47
Preached by Russell Hohneck on February 14, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
A Sermon to a Child Leaving Home
Preached by Mark Gordon on January 31, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
Facing Life with Unshakeable Trust Psalm 27:1-14
Preached by Pete Drower on January 17, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
The Certainties of Life Psalm 1:1-6
Preached by Grant Watson on January 3, 2016 (as part of the Misc series)
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